Tuesday 19 March 2013

Keen's Chicken Curry w/ Vermicelli

 This recipe was ripped from here but to allow me to pin it to pinterest, I'm copying it out and adding some changes. I'll clean this up and add a photo the next time I cook it.

This is great when you've got half a chicken and you want something fairly easy to cook.

Here is my chicken curry recipe - it's a pretty standard one that lots of people use, but still a favourite in my household.
  • 1 sml onion, finely chopped (I used spring onion for Low FODMAP)
  • 4tbs butter
  • 3tbs plain flour
  • 2 cups milk
  • Keen's Curry Powder
  • May not look too great, but tastes amazing!
  • Shredded leftover chicken - approx half a large BBQ chook
  1. Fry onion in 1tbs butter until soft and transparent. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Melt remaining butter over medium heat and add flour, whisking for a few seconds until all combined.
  3. Remove pan from heat and add milk slowly, whisking swiftly until all combined and any lumps removed.
  4. Put pan back on heat and continue whisking slowly for approx 5-10mins until sauce has thickened.
  5. Add curry powder to taste.
  6. Add chicken and onion into sauce and mix through.
  7. Cook uncovered on low heat approx 10-15 mins until heated through.
  8. Serve with rice or rice noodles - yummy!

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